1 day Team Building Program was hosted for Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) on 6th Sep, 2022 at Kathmandu Marriott Hotel, Kathmandu. The objective of this program was to know each other better in a team and to do Myer Briggs Personality Test of each member. Thus, such kind of activities was developed that will enhance their professional development and they can easily trust, communicate and coordinate with team members.
The Borderlands developed such activities that fulfill the objectives of the CRR. Initially facilitator gives the brief introduction of program. After that various problem-solving activities that focused on team work, communication, trust, coordination, and collaboration were given to do to participants. To do such activities, the required gears and tools were also provided. Throughout the program, participants gained greater insights into new ideas and approaches. The conducted activities will help to build their learning capacity, communication, coordination as well as trust level and increase the efficiency of team work.
Final debriefing was done at the end of the program. During this, the participants shared what they have learned in the program and how could they apply the learned lesson at the workplace. They also thanked Borderland for conducting this event.